Youth are building life skills by leading Community Action Projects

July 11, 2018

This year, more than 500 youth changemakers have led 24 Community Action Projects impacting 32 communities across Canada.

Through the realization of these projects, youth built multiple life skills.

(as reported by youth leaders and youth workers) 

By preparing for and participating in public events, conferences, community events, youth leaders developed and honed their skills to engage their peers, decision-makers and other community members around issues that were important to them related to inclusion, equality, diversity and participation.

“[I have] improved facilitation skills, better awareness and sensitivity to human rights issues that people face every day in my community and in my workplace. I feel the importance of listening was really important to me throughout the Speaking Rights process and I have tried to be a better listener over all. I feel I have really great materials to share with other youth in our youth groups for learning and connecting.”
(Youth Leader, Victoria, BC, Final Project Survey)