
Here are educational resources we have identified as helpful tools to support human rights education work with youth.


Manuals, tips sheets and references published by Equitas.


Online resources, such as videos, podcasts, toolkits, and other publications from our partners and leaders in Human Rights Education (HRE).

Organizational directory

Provides you with links to organizations that work on a variety of issues that may be of interest to youth and can be used to refer you to more information about a particular issue.


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  • International Women's Day Activity 2020

    How do women and girls participate in YOUR community? Explore the diverse ways that women and girls participate and lead with youth you work with with this activity!
  • Draw me a Right

    Education is a human right! In honor of International Day of Education, Equitas is sharing a youth friendly activity for learning about human rights!
  • Supporting Refugee Children and Youth

    What can you do to support refugee children and youth? Check out this resource sheet!
  • Barr-Baher- Activity for Children

    To highlight International Migrants Day, we are sharing an activity from one of our action guides for building more welcoming and inclusive spaces for refugees and newcomers!

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